Making Buttons

Marketing the library is so important, especially at the beginning of the year when students are coming onto campus for the first time. I say it’s good to recruit the newbies and convert them into library regulars. The latest buzz on the ILI-L is about beginning of the year activities like library open houses, scavenger hunts, and more. Someone asked about catchy slogans for buttons which got me thinking about the types of fun library marketing materials we can create for ourselves. I’ve been toying with the idea of making buttons but wasn’t sure how to go about figuring out what to put on them. The list generated some great catch phrases like:

  • Do it in the library (use this one at your own discretion)
  • human search engine
  • the original Google

Today I went ahead and played around with my own designs. I’m known at work as the “Keep Calm and _______” person so I had to throw in a Keep Calm button. My student group has a button maker so I have yet to test out creating them but here are my Library Marketing Buttons. I made them in Publisher and they are for a 1 ¼” button. When I get a chance to actually test them out I will update with some pictures. Char Booth has some awesome templates and a post on how to incorporate button making in the library, which I hope to try out some day. This is why I need a button maker!