Happy National Library Week!

This semester has been busy! It’s my last one before I finally graduate but I feel like I’m burning out fast. I can’t wait to just breathe for a little bit. Anyhow, this week was National Library Week! This year, I got to help plan some fun things for the students and faculty, just to make them more aware of this lovely event. I created some cool temporary tattoos to hand out at the desk. We have a Silhouette Machine and they sell temporary tattoo paper for it. Here are some of the designs I made. It was so much fun!

I also took photos of the staff, faculty, and students to make READ posters for them. That was a great way to get to know some of the students who come to the desk often, as well as engage with faculty.

National Library Week Display

My National Library Week Display

I like doing these things because they’re fun and get people to know the library in a different way. Plus, who doesn’t like a unicorn tattoo?

What goes on a resume?

Humans have a need to categorize their experiences, and resumes are like a collection of past examples of your work. How can you bring it forward to help you get a great job?

Currently I feel my resume is not up to date. Yes, I do have my most current job listed on there; but at this point I have no idea how to format my resume or c.v. to truly benefit myself. My peers suggest many different items to add to my resume but refer to things that I’m not sure are resume worthy. However, I could be totally wrong!

Things that I think should definitely be listed on a resume:

  • Jobs
  • Volunteer Work
  • Internships
  • Education
  • Cool Awards

Things I think should go on a resume but not sure of:

  • Clubs and professional organizations
  • G.P.A.
  • Objective

Things people have mentioned that should go on a resume, but I’m not sure of:

  • Mentorship programs
  • Bloggy stuff (I seriously doubt this goes on a resume)
  • Holding officer positions at a student group

I’ve been advised to keep a running journal of what skills I have learned in each class so that I can translate it to a C.V. but I have yet to tackle that.  Another thing that I think I want to try to tackle is to make an online portfolio, as well as adding my resume so that a bunch of information about me can be easily found in one place. In general, resumes should be tailored for the job you’re applying for, so if I do put my resume online, I suppose I should just make a generalized one. I’m not looking for a job just yet, but I figure it doesn’t hurt to start organizing now.